These cars were among the hottest of all muscle cars
The formula for the Road Runner was “back to the basics,” as in cheap, affordable performance!

When the Road Runner was first launched it simply had a black-painted “Beep-Beep” horn under the hood, but the Chrysler-Plymouth dealerships were flooded with enthusiasts that came in that wanted to see and hear it in person! They were a bit disappointed that it looked like a regular production horn, so in the mid-model year, 1968, the Road Runner’s horn got painted lavender and decaled “Voice of Road Runner.” They still sound cool today!
The initial concept of the car
Legend has it that a Chrysler Product Planner employee by the name of Gordon Cherry (who worked for Chrysler/Plymouth product planning manager Jim Smith) was watching the Saturday-morning cartoon channel with his young children, and when the Looney Tunes “Road Runner” program came on, the idea hit him. Call this new car “Road Runner!”

A shining example of a great car

“King Kong”426-cid Hemi powerplant wore orange war paint and had Black wrinkle-finish valve covers; A/C was never an available option.